Monday, 22 February 2016

God's Plan > my plan

Note: This blog post is not about St. Lucia. This blog post does not include any beautiful beach scenery or adorable pictures of my kiddos. This post is just going to be me, being completely transparent.

Growing up, I always pictured myself living the WELS dream: going to Martin Luther College, finding Mr. Right, graduating, getting married, and starting a family, all before the age of 25. While at MLC, finding "the One" seems to be the number one goal and is constantly talked about, brought up at every possible moment.* But what about people who fail to gain their MRS. degree? Are they abnormal? Is something wrong with me because I am not 23 and married?
It was my junior year at MLC when it hit me--my "plan" was not going to happen. It's almost laughable thinking back to those moments, worrying about how I would keep myself alive, entertained, fed... How was I expected to graduate, move somewhere currently unknown, and live ALL BY MYSELF?!
Now I am living in St. Lucia with two roommates. (God is awesome. He knew I could not live alone.) I at one time thought being single was incredibly sad, but I now realize the many blessings of being single.
(Just a Few of) The Blessings of Being Single
  1. I am learning how to be independent--I am horribly dependent, and I enjoy the chances I get to be an "adult." Tanya and Kirsten push me to do adult things, like hand in our electricity payment and call out "Bus stop, driver" on the bus.
  2. I have to kill bugs, all by myself--Yes, this does not sound like much of a blessing, but it's somehow making me tougher. 
  3. I have the freedom to focus on myself--This sounds incredibly selfish, but after a long day at school, I am able to reheat leftovers, kick back, and watch Netflix without feeling guilty. I don't have to worry about trying to please or work my schedule around someone else. (Not saying I don't want to in the future, it's just nice for now.)
  4. I am able to focus fully on teaching-- I am not distracted by trying to make a long distance relationship work. It's not easy, and I give major props to those couples who can make it work across hundreds or thousands of miles.
  5. I have time to learn how to cook--Because that's the number one thing a husband wants... Still a work in progress.
Our God knows exactly how to meet our needs. I may not be married out of college, but I am blessed with amazing supportive roommates. I never would have in a million years guessed that I would be serving my Saviour in the Caribbean, teaching six-year-olds and piano lessons. I firmly trust that God, in HIS timing, will show me the man I am meant to spend my life with. I am not distraught that my life has not turned out to be what I originally thought, but just humbled and thankful for everything God has given to me. God's plan far outweighs anything I could ever imagine for myself. God is good. All the time.

*I am not MLC bashing. I am merely stating the culture of MLC. MLC is a great place to meet good, Lutheran spouses before you receive your assignment and are scattered across the US.

Thursday, 18 February 2016

No I'm not Dead

Well folks, it's been quite a while! I am quite positive my lack of blog posts has not kept anyone up at night, wondering what I've been up to, frequently refreshing my blog page, wishing for another post. If you have been doing that, I greatly apologize and hope it is not too late for you to get a life.
We are officially half-way through second term! Midterm break started today, and there is only a month left until  EASTER BREAK! Tanya, Kirsten, and I are planning to venture off island, although we have not decided which island to visit. We are currently looking at Trinidad and St. Vincent, and I will be content with either one!
This term has been going quickly. Second term felt like starting all over again, reviewing routines and procedures, remembering how to treat our team and family in love, raising our hand when we speak...all that good stuff. I am always amazed by my loving students--I am already getting emotional just thinking about saying goodbye to them at the end of the school year.
Smiling despite the rain
Yesterday was our Independence Rally and Festival School. The program portrayed the timeline of St. Lucia's history. The school, stage, and tents were decorated in blue, black, white, and yellow, the colours of the Lucian flag. Students and parents were seated underneath tents, which I assume were orginally meant to protect from the sun. The performance started half an hour late, clearly running on Lucian time. Much to our disappointment, storm clouds rolled in three separate times, complete downpours. The rain delayed the performance even longer, and we were soon sitting in our chairs with the mud and puddles at our feet. Thankfully the rain finally stopped and the show went on. My grade ones depicted the French and the British, who fought for St. Lucia fourteen times. My kiddos were the unlucky French, who had to die at the end of our performan
ce, having lost the Battle of St. Lucia in 1778.

My students decorated the tree!
The food festival began after the performance. Sweets, pizza, chicken, local juice, and icicles (popsicles) were for sale. The kids could pay to go to the disco room, which was blasting Caribbean jams and the latest hits. There was a "Make me Beautiful" room, where kids could get massages, makeup done, and painted nails. The Independence Rally was a busy and exhausting day, but everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.
Kirsten's parents are visiting for the week, and we are currently how we will spend our free days with them. We have discussed going to Fish Fry on Friday, hiking Pigeon Island, and possibly horseback riding on the beach or parasailing. I am thankful for this restful and relaxing break!
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. (Philippians 4:6)