Friday, 8 April 2016

Bajan Adventures--Best of Barbados Tour
We woke up EARLY on the second day of our vacation to get picked up for an all day tour. Our first stop was Harrison Caves. All the caves that I have been to have always been cold, so I was mentally preparing myself after our stint in the Castries airport, absolutely freezing the day before. To my surprise, this cave was 78 degrees and incredible! You ride on a tram through the caves, and are allowed to get off and take pictures a few times. I am an amateur photographer, so none of my pictures turned out...

From the caves, we hopped back on the bus and were driven to the rain forest, where we got to see monkeys at feeding time. We had an hour to walk through the rain forest and marvel at God's creation. Crazy enough, it rains in the rain forest, and we got drenched! At least Kirsten packed a rain jacket and Tanya brought a hat... I was not as prepared.

Bathsheba--can someone please tell me
why I find this so beautiful?
Next stop was Bathsheba--a fishing village in the parish of St. Joseph with a breathtaking beach. There are also big boulders in the ocean that somehow are just as breathtaking. Bathsheba was one of my favourite views in Barbados.

We were driven back to the Boatyard (Carlisle Beach), the same area that we were not impressed with the day before, for a filling local lunch of fish, macaroni pie, rice, and potato salad. The plate was huge and packed with food, but you should not be surprised that I ate every morsel.

Tanya took a few pictures before her camera took on water.

We boarded a boat that took us to swim with turtles. SUCH A COOL EXPERIENCE! We swam with green turtles (green is the kind of turtle, I'm not just stating the obvious fact that lots of turtles are coloured green.) I am also happy to say that I have finally figured out how to snorkel properly!!!

After the turtles, we had an hour to sit on the beach chairs, which was a treat because we never pay $10 US for a chair at the beach. Sadly, it was eventually time to go back to the hotel. Again, we watched the stars and waves that night. Watching the waves is hypnotizing and never gets old.

**Bajan Fun Fact** Barbados exports 100% of their sugar cane to Europe and has to import sugar for their own use.

Monkeys at feeding time!

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